Boyle County Genealogical & Historical Society, Inc.
If you would like research help with your family history or other types of genealogical/historical help in Boyle and surrounding counties, the following people are willing to try and help you:
Contact: For the Danville Boyle County African-American Historical Society and Museum E-mail:
Contact: Carolyn Crabtree, genealogist and historian E-mail: Phone: 859-516-2028 (if I don't answer because I may not recognize your number, please leave a message and I will get back to you)
Contact for the Forkland Lincoln Museum Wayne Thurman or Carolyn Crabtree, above Phone: 859-936-7489 (h) or 859-324-2127 (cp) E-mail:
The Boyle County Public Library now has a researcher named Steve Ellis to help with information and will make suggestions about those in the area who can help you, as well. They have also been adding to their collections of genealogy books and papers. The Advocate Messenger Newspaper has donated their collection of old newspapers to the library. Contact Steve Ellis at 859-236-7692 or He will be happy to help you.